Auricular Acupuncture
“We are now half way through the year, and how many of your New Year resolutions have you accomplished?! Almost 99% of the time, people have weight loss or achieve better health as one of their New Year resolutions. I wish I had the ‘Magic Needle’ to melt pounds away and restore health…However, auricular acupuncture can help to suppress appetite and increase metabolism. Of course, diet and lifestyle changes are important too! Auricular Acupuncture can also help with smoking cessation and alcohol addiction. Also, the patient must be mentally prepared to quit. Patients who quit also decrease their risk for heart disease and high blood pressure. I have success with patients who are ready and determined to quit smoking. I think it’s quite monumental that Acupuncture can help someone to quit bad habits, because most health issues are caused by repetitive poor choices and bad habits. A major health change starts with one single step, and I am glad to be a part of that journey.”
-Mei Lin Maunakea
Image Credit to Norwich Wellbeing Center